How Acupuncture Works
The 14th century Sufi poet known as Hafez said there is a secret medicine given only to those who hurt so hard they can't hope. This secret medicine refers to the profound wisdom and inherent resilience found within our own human nature, and Acupuncture is one language, among many, that we use to remind and teach the body if this innate knowing.
Within the tradition of Acupuncture, the body is seen as a network of channels along which flow Qi, or energy. In an intricate and astoundingly complex physiological network, these channels are like dynamic and living rivers, connected to all body systems including organ, musculoskeletal, vascular, and neurological. The Qi found in the body varies in characteristic and function depending not only on which channel it is in, but also the point at which it is located along each channel.
The treatment of Acupuncture involves the gentle insertion of several very fine needles into the skin along these channels. Specific locations are chosen in order to access a particular kind of Qi performing a particular function, relating to the condition being treated. These locations are known as 'acupuncture points', and at each point lies a unique message for the body. Leading to the relief of pain and emotional wellness, the activation of each point results in the delivery of this unique message and thus the stimulation of a particular function on a body, mind, or spirit level. The hope Hafez spoke of is not the Acupuncture itself, but rather, it is the human, and Acupuncture is the tool to remind the human of their deep knowing of health and wellbeing.
Rooted in Daoism
One of the primary perspectives of Chinese Medicine that informs diagnosis and treatment is the existence of the human being as a Whole, and that all experiences, particiularly emotional experiences, trauma, and mental health inform physical health. The body is not segmented from the mind from the spirit. This philosophy allows for a freedom of movement between the aspects of our being; the physical, spiritual, and mental are all connected. It requires however, that a Chinese Medicine practitioner be trained, and skilled, in interpreting, diagnosing, and treating both the emotional and mental Being as well as the physical. We can not treat one aspect without treating the other, as one does not suffer without causing suffering in another. It allows us to question; Where is my anxiety or depression coming from and what kind of impact is it having on my body? What might be at the root of my migraine headaches? My insomnia? My eczema? My weight gain? And is it impacting my life in other ways that now need support as well? As a fundamental presumption for each human being is that we want to be healthy, that is, to be in harmony and balance within ourselves and within our lives, then the body, mind, and spirit will do what it can to make this possible.
It is Acupuncture treatment that enables this balance to occur with greater ease and clarity, restoring order and balance to the Qi, enabling smooth movement in all systems so that healing occurs.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and The World Health Organization (WHO) recognize acupuncture as an effective remedy for many conditions.
And while research continues to study the benefits of Acupuncture for many specific aspects of health, most people are usually convinced of the benefits of this kind of treatment because they meet a person who has already benefited from it, or from personal experience.
Below are not all, but many of the health conditions Acupuncture addresses. If you have a particular concern you do not see below, please feel to call with any questions. While the list is thorough, it is not exhaustive.
- Allergies
- Arthritis
- Asthma
- Back Pain
- Bronchitis
- Carpal Tunnel
- Chemotherapy Side Effects
- Chronic Fatigue and Chronic Pain
- Constipation and Diarrhea
- Depression, Anxiety and Trauma Symptoms
- Drug Detoxification
- Eczema and Other Skin Conditions
- Endometriosis
- Fibromyalgia
- Headaches and Migraines
- High Blood Pressure
- Hormonal Dysregulation
- Impotence
- Infertility
- Insomnia
- Irregular Menstruation
- Knee Pain
- Menopause Symptoms
- Neck and Shoulder Pain
- PMS and Dysmenorrhea
- Sciatica
- Seizures
- Sprains and Sports Injuries
- Symptoms of Stress
- Weight Management